Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Mephisto Covenant

This post first published August 18, 2011.

Author: Trinity Faegen
Published: September 27, 2011
Publisher Egmont USA
Series: The Mephisto Covenant #1 
448 pages (galley)
Where do I even begin?
I was originally super excited to read this book when I got it from NetGalley. There’s many positive reviews of it on Goodreads, and it had a very intriguing synopsis — Sasha, our main character, wants to know who murdered her father and thinks joining the cult, the Ravens, will bring her answers.

What she finds out instead is that she is Anabo, a descendant of Eve’s daughter (as in, Adam and Eve), and the Ravens try to kill her for it. The Ravens are working for Eryx, who is worse than Lucifer the Devil; Eryx is trying to use his recruited souls to power himself into overtaking Hell and Heaven. Sasha is saved, however, by Jax, who is a Son of Hell and is looking for his Anabo, his soulmate, who could lead him to a chance to be in Heaven.

This book is probably going to be popular amongst those who enjoy romances between super hot paranormal male leads and she-doesn’t-know-she’s-beautiful-and-special female leads, who, for one reason or another, are in angst for much of the story because they cannot be together. If you like that kind of story, you’ll love this — but The Mephisto Covenant was not my cup of tea at all, was not what I expected.

The story flowed awkwardly, was simply bizarre at times and the bit about finding out who murdered Sasha’s father was quickly resolved and thrown out the window after the first dozen pages. A majority of the scenes and dialogue are question-answer sessions between Sasha and the other characters, who dump a ton of background information on her (and the reader). And then there’s the strangeness of this Eyrx character who is more evil than Lucifer. Seriously, Lucifer and God are actually kind of working together as partners in this book, to bring down Eyrx who is the real kingpin of evil. I found that really hard to accept. Not that I’m religious or anything. It’s just the idea that the Devil himself is less evil than Eyrx doesn’t make sense to me.

On a similar note, Eryx isn’t even aware of Sasha’s existence for the vast majority of the novel, so I didn’t feel like there was much tension in the story. The stakes didn’t feel that high to me.  Most of the story consisted of the characters worrying that Eyrx would discover Sasha the Anabo, and trying to keep Sasha safe from the enemy who doesn’t even know she exists yet.

However, the main focus of this story is the angsty romance between Sasha and Jax, which annoyed me way more than I found romantic. In fact, I don’t think any part of their relationship was romantic at all. There was insta-love, creepy-obsessive love and it was kind of shallow that all they ever talked about was how hot each other was. And there was a lot of focus on sex. Sex, sex, sex. All the characters, not just Sasha and Jax, but especially Sasha and Jax. It was drilled into my head how dangerous it would be if they had sex, and how Jax was so obsessed with seeing her naked. There was also a cliche ‘I almost got raped but my soulmate rescued me before it happened’ scene that I’ve read in a dozen YA novels now.

Then there’s the characters themselves, mainly Sasha and Jax. Jax was an overly protective, overly jealous, bordering-on-obsessive kind of boyfriend. Sasha spent most of her time crying in this novel, or feeling like she’s about to cry — sometimes over the silliest things, like getting a new laptop. I just wanted to reach into the pages, give the girl a good shake by the shoulders and exclaim, “Get a grip on yourself!”

I have an entire page of notes I scribbled down while reading this book, but I won’t get into them all. I can see this book being quite popular because I know there is an audience for stories like this, but this really wasn’t for me at all.

My Rating: 1/5

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