
Welcome to Lost At Sea, a book blog of mostly reviews. 

This blog was started back in the tail end of the year 2009. I joined one of those 50 Book Challenges and wanted a place to keep track of the fifty books I'll read for that year. The book blog I started was called Skyink.net, and that was where I posted my thoughts and feelings regarding every novel I read, for the next 6 years.

Since I started the original challenge in the last 2 or 3 months, I couldn't hit 50 books. However, I certainly did -- and exceeded! -- that goal in the next two years. After that, I found it difficult to read as much because I was accepted into a challenging and busy school program. Still, I think I managed to read 20-30 books a year.

At the time of this writing, it's October 2015. I've had a terrible, terrible track record with reading this year. I want to say a lot of changes were happening in my life, which is true, but also, I just didn't make the time to read as much. I had also fallen back into my old video gaming hobby, which as anyone who loves video games can tell you, can suck up a lot of your time.

So!! I decided to try to put much more effort into reading again. I moved my blog to Blogspot and renamed it to Lost At Sea. This was partly an effort to become "reborn" as much as it was a desire to stop paying for my own domain and server hosting, haha. So, this is where we are now.

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