Friday, October 2, 2015

Clockwork Prince

This post first published December 28, 2012.

Author: Cassandra Clare
First Published: December 2011
Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry Books
Series: The Infernal Devices #2
502 pages (hardcover)
Huh, I didn’t expect myself to pick up book two so soon after I finished the first one. I actually tried to read a different, unrelated novel after I finished Clockwork Angel, but found myself gravitating back towards this series. I know I made a number of complaints about the last book, and they still exist for me in this book, but overall, I do really like the story world so I guess I didn’t want to disconnect myself from it so soon.

Clockwork Prince focuses on the London Institute trying to find Mortmain, our villain who got away in the previous book. To raise the stakes even higher, they are given a deadline of merely two weeks to locate the bad guy, no thanks to Benedict Lightwood, who helped propose this condition. Benedict Lightwood wants to run the London Institute badly, as he has always felt Charlotte (our current head of the Institute) does not deserve the position. With the recent events that took place, Benedict challenges Charlotte’s competency and thus, imposes this harsh condition.

As they research and look into Mortmain’s history, Tessa (our main character), finds herself caught in a love triangle between Will and Jem. The two boys are also best of friends and sworn brothers to one another, making the situation kind of awkward for Tessa. Tessa loves both boys dearly, but as Will seems intent on pushing Tessa away and Jem puts his heart out on his sleeve for Tessa, the choice seems obvious.

For me, personally, I felt this entire book was focused on the love triangle between Tessa, Will and Jem. Finding Mortmain felt more like a secondary plot, which is totally okay with me. I didn’t find that aspect of the book particularly interesting anyway. In terms of the Mortmain portion of the plot, Clockwork Prince is the bridge that simply connects Clockwork Angel to the third book to be released, Clockwork Princess. (And on that note, what is with the titles?? They never really make sense with what the book’s plot is about. Clockwork Angel was ambiguous at best, while in this book, the so-called Clockwork Prince is supposed to be Mortmain, and it was only mentioned once. And like I said, Mortmain was not a big part of this second book, he wasn’t even actually in it, only mentioned).

Onto Tessa, Will and Jem. I loved the love triangle between them, I really do. I should also say it now — I’m a Jem fangirl. This book made me very happy because Jem got to experience a lot of happiness in his relationship with Tessa. HOWEVER, I also have a feeling of doom because it’s so obvious that Tessa will end up with Will in the very end, and Jem will either end up dead, alone forever, or given some random girl to fall in love with at the last minute (really hope it’s not the third. That would be just plain stupid).

(Warning: fangirl rant incoming): I mean, I really, really hope I’m wrong and that Tessa will realize that she truly loves Jem in the end. However, this isn’t my first rodeo with love triangles. I’ve read quite a number of teenage story love triangles and the more extroverted guy always gets the girl. In my experience so far, that has always been the case. Besides that, there’s tons of hints in the book that show Tessa and Will are the couple to be: they both have a geeky love for poetry and literature (Jem does not); Tessa can’t stop thinking about Will even when she’s with Jem (big hint there); Tessa and Will are clearly the main female and male leads in the book (main characters usually end up with one another). I really hope I’m wrong though. I mean, I don’t even understand why Tessa and Will love one another, and so deeply! Will has been nothing but a cheeky asshole to Tessa, how she ends up loving him is beyond me. In my own experience, you do not end up falling in deep love with a guy who’s a cheeky asshole even if he’s drop dead gorgeous. Jem, on the other hand, has been very kind to her. They’ve had outings together (like touring London) and had opportunities to grow close. And he is just as good looking! I guess what makes me such a big Jem fangirl is also the fact that I feel Tessa and Jem’s relationship developed more naturally, whereas Will’s and Tessa’s was too Insta-Love ish for my liking.

Ack. My point is, this love triangle is awfully predictable, and yet, addicting. I still hope I’m wrong though. Also, I hope Tessa becomes more likeable. She’s such a player, haha. It’s hard to like her when I feel like she’s playing Jem.

Clockwork Prince has a slower paced plot because it focuses more on the budding relationships between Tessa, Will and Jem. Love the relationship between the three of them, even if I’m totally biased in Jem’s favor. A lot of my previous complaints from book one still stand, but I do feel this second book was significantly better than the first and I am very excited to read book three, Clockwork Princess, when it is released.

My Rating: 4/5

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