Tuesday, January 24, 2017


I'm moving this blog ... again. Ahhhh I know, I know. Why do I keep doing this? Well, the first time was because I did not want to pay for my own server/domain anymore so I came to Blogger.

But Blogger has not been working very well for me. It does not update or post my posts half the time, and it has been very frustrating. It is part of the reason why I did not read very many books in 2016 -- I like blogging about what I read, and when I am unable to blog about it, I kind of lose some of my motivation to read.

So my new blog has moved to Wordpress here:



Same name, same blog. Moving all my posts over will take a while, but see you there!!

Edit: See, it is taking me forever just to post this little message. 

Scrappy Little Nobody

Author: Anna Kendrick
First Published: November 2016
Publisher: Touchstone
271 pages (hardcover)

Um, yes, I did disappear for all of 2016. I actually did not read a single book during 2016, which I am kind of embarrassed about. Standard "I was busy" excuses, etc. Moving on ...

I'm not a huge Anna Kendrick fan or anything like that originally. I liked the movies she's been in, and I've heard of her name, but that was really the extent of my knowledge on her. So, why did I pick up this autobiography/memoir style book by Anna Kendrick? Well, simply put, I was stuck in the Seattle airport for 8 hours (plane delays, ugh!) and out of everything in the bookstore there, this book seemed most interesting (that and the other book I picked up which I will also post about shortly after).

In this book, Anna Kendrick outlines her life with specific memorable moments, from her childhood, growing up and moving out on her own, boys and relationships, Hollywood life and how she maintains who she is as she becomes more successful in her career. She is brutally honest and is a really hilarious person, at least in writing. I mean, she isn't trying to be a comedian in this book, but she's just naturally a funny person.

My favourite chapters were her Hollywood chapters, especially when she talked about (or complained about, depending on your point of view!) clothes and fashion. I also liked the chapter she had dedicated to her time filming Twilight, and based on her personality, I thought for sure she'd make fun of the franchise, but actually she didn't. She didn't say anything bad about it at all, which I guess is smart. You don't make fun of the movies you were in, haha. But I really enjoyed the chapter because she talked about the perks and how great it was to be in a big movie franchise without needing all the pressure and responsibility of having a large character role. What I understood from it was that she was grateful for all her career opportunities regardless of what it was -- because let's face it, it's really easy to make fun of Twilight, hahaha.

There's also some photos here and there in the book, which I liked. I wished there were more photos. Also, they were in black and white and I wished it could have been in color, but then I guess the book would cost more :(

By the end of the book, I felt like Anna was a person I could really be friends with. Well, no, not really, because she sounds really outgoing and fun, and I'm introverted and boring, so she probably wouldn't really be my friend. Anyway, I ended up really enjoying this book and the only negative I can think of was that it was kind of short. I could have read more, but that might also be because I was stuck in the airport ...

My Rating: 5/5