Friday, November 20, 2015

Finding Audrey

Author: Sophie Kinsella
First Published: June 2015
Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers
288 pages (hardcover)

I love the Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella (even though I haven't read them all, and the ones I have read, I read out of order, haha). So, when I saw this YA book by Sophie Kinsella, I was very interested in giving it a try. I ended up loving this book, though I am glad it is a stand-alone novel because I feel the story is stronger that way.

What is this story about? It is about a young teen named Audrey. Audrey has a diagnosed anxiety disorder. It all happened after an "event" happened at school. The book is in first person, and Audrey never feels comfortable enough to explain what the "event" was that triggered this anxiety; however, she provides enough hints and clues that you get a vague idea that she was bullied and humiliated in school. I really wish the book would just explain exactly what happened so I'm not left just guessing, but I guess since it is narrated by Audrey, it makes sense that she wouldn't want to talk about it.

Audrey has temporarily withdrawn from school and spends the vast majority of her time at home, venturing out only for her therapy sessions. She constantly wears a pair of sunglasses/dark shades, as the darkness makes it easier for her to cope with people. She has switched schools and will be re-doing her previous grade, since she has missed so much school. Audrey feels safe at home with her family, who are a collection of memorable characters themselves. Her mother is a bit of a helicopter parent but does her best to care for Audrey; her father kind of just does whatever the mom tells him to do and her brother, Frank, mostly keeps to himself but still cares about Audrey in his own way.

Audrey's brother, Frank, is a video gamer who is planning to enter a video game competition (the game he is playing is called Land of Conquerors or something like that, but it all sounds an awful lot like the game League of Legends, heh). It's a team computer game, and Frank invites his teammate Linus over to their house to practice the game. Audrey is initially freaked out about Linus being in their house. Linus is curious about Frank's sister, who is constantly hiding and wear dark shades over her eyes all the time. Carefully, he reaches out to her and gets to know her. Audrey finds herself wanting to see Linus more and more, but her anxiety prevents her from having a normal relationship.

This book is short, and I found it to be a very fast and very fun read. Despite the seriousness of having an anxiety disorder, this book is also very humorous because of Audrey's mother. Omigawd, Audrey's mother is something else ... Hopefully you have heard of the term helicopter parent, because that is what she is. Sophie Kinsella has really got the overbearing parent character down pat. Honestly, with a mom like that, it's not that surprising that Audrey is having a hard time dealing with her anxiety, because her mom babies her and treats Audrey like glass. Her mom is also a little gulliable/naive; Audrey points out that her mother believes everything she reads, which leads to some big fights in the house (for example, Audrey's mom thinks screens (cellphones, TV, computers, etc) are killing their brains and tries to ban them, which Frank, obviously, will not tolerate). Audrey's mom is a terribly annoying character, but in a good, well written way.

The other character that I want to give some kudos to is Linus. Or maybe I mean Linus and Audrey together. Linus is a lot like your typical teenage boy at first, but when he is around Audrey, he is just so darn nice and patient with her. I can totally see why Audrey would start liking him (which causes all sorts of internal strife for poor Audrey). And the way Linus gave Audrey her "first kiss" and said his first "I love you" was SO cute, my heart wanted to explode. I don't want to give away what happens in those scenes but it was so stupidly cute.

The thing I don't really understand as well is why the heck does Linus like Audrey? I totally see why Audrey would like Linus, but what Linus sees in Audrey, at least when they initially meet, is never understood by me. She's a reclusive young girl who constantly wears sunglasses indoors and scurries away whenever she sees Linus. Is that ... attractive to him? Who knows?

I loved this book a lot and definitely recommend it, especially if you are looking for something light and easy to speed through ;)

My Rating: 5/5

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